West Nile Virus

Mosquito Facts

Females are the only mosquitoes that bite. They require a human or animal's blood to nourish and produce eggs. They produce many batches of eggs and constantly need new blood to reproduce often.

Mosquito Attractions
West Nile Virus originates from mosquitoes.Some people seem more prone to mosquito bites. While it is true that mosquitoes are drawn to the carbon monoxide and lactic acid (produced by muscle metabolism) in your breath they can also detect infra-red light from your body. Various other scents like perfume, perspiration and other smells can make one person more attractive to a mosquito than another.

Wearing lighter colors of clothing may reduce your chances of being bitten; mosquitoes tend to be attracted to darker colors because they are better at absorbing heat and light.

Mosquitoe bites can transmit the West Nile Virus.Mosquito Bites
When mosquitoes bite they inject their saliva,an anti-coagulant into their victim to prevent a person or animal's blood from clotting. Our body's auto-immune response to this causes an itching, swelling or burning feeling that is quite normal. Calamine lotion can provide some relief while it takes a few days for the bite to heal.

Facts about Mosquitoes

  • Most mosquitoes fly less than a mile during their lifetime.
  • A female mosquito takes a nap after having a blood meal to assist in the digestion process.
  • There are some types of mosquitoes that hibernate to survive cold winters.


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