West Nile Virus |
Mosquito Species
Culex Pipiens - They can be found in Central and Eastern United States with the exception of Florida, and in urban areas elsewhere in the U.S.A. House mosquitoes are common in urban and suburban communities as well as on rural premises. Their breeding grounds include storm sewer catch basins, clean and polluted ground pools, ditches, animal waste lagoons, effluent from sewage treatment plants and other sites that are slightly to very eutrophic or polluted with organic wastes.
Culex Restuans - They have a distribution that ranges from Central Canada south into Mexico. This type of mosquito is very common in the eastern and Central United States. Pregnant females enter hibernation in fall and hibernate in basements, spring houses, outbuildings and subterranean enclosures during the winter months. They thrive on moisture and a humid atmosphere. In April they begin to lay their eggs and can be found mainly in southern New Jersey. By May they move further north and have reached their peak population by July. They breed in temporary ground water, the edges of grassy swampland, sphagnum bogs, road side ditches, tire ruts, hoof prints, discarded buckets, tires, catch basins, sewage effluent and septic seepage.
Aedes Vexans - are one of the most widespread mosquito species in the world. Their distribution includes Nearctic and Palearctic regions, the African west coast as well as Oriental regions. In North America, they are common in Southern Canada and throughout the United States with the exception of Hawaii. They lay their eggs in small depressions which are subject to flooding. The females are persistent biters and most active in the early evening. The adults are known to fly great distances and are readily attracted to light.
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